A loan of 1000 rubles is the minimum loanthat can be taken from an MFI. At the same time, employees of the microcredit company will not check either the solvency of the borrower or his place of work. To make such checks with such a microloin is unprofitable. The data provided by the client will simply "punch" through the database of unscrupulous borrowers, but they will not make requests to banks or to the organization in which the person works.

Who can take a loan of 1000 rubles in an MFI
As a borrower of a microcredit organization can be any person who falls under these requirements:
- he is older than 18 years (however, in some cases, the MFI increases the age bar and agrees to issue loans only to those individuals who have reached the age of 21);
- he is younger than 65-70 years (the older the person, the less chance he has to get a microloans in the MFI);
- he is capable (an adult is considered capable a priori if his incapacity was not proved in court, and a guardian was not appointed);
- he is a citizen of the Russian Federation (while the nationality of the borrower does not play any role);
- he has a residence permit in one of the regions of the Russian Federation (in some cases, a microfinance company may require the borrower to have a residence permit in the area in which its office is located, but when applying for a loan of 1000 rubles, such requirements are usually not exposed);
- it does not go through bankruptcy proceedings at the moment (if a person has recently declared himself bankrupt and wrote off his debts, then he must by law notify the microfinance organization in which he plans to take a mortgage).
The marital status of the borrower does not play any role.
How can you get a loan of 1000 rubles
In most cases, customers receive 1000 rubles by remote means:
- to the mobile phone account (in the event that the SIM card is issued on the passport data of the borrower);
- to a Kiwi or WebMohni wallet;
- on YandexDengi;
- to a bank card or account.
Only in some cases can borrowers receive cash. To do this, they need to visit the office of a microcredit company, because couriers (for obvious reasons) are not engaged in the delivery of loans for such small amounts.
What you need to get money
Since a loan of 1000 rubles in an MFI is usually issued online, the borrower is only required to provide a scan of his passport, as well as a photo in FaceID format (the borrower's face should be clearly visible in the picture). Also, the client must provide the microfinance organization with the number of the account or purse to which the microloan will come.
Is it necessary to sign a contract when applying for a loan of 1000 rubles
Within the framework of lending, a contract is always concluded, but when receiving an online loan, it is issued in electronic format. At the same time, it still has legal force. If customers violate the terms of the contract (and do not pay the money on time), then they will have to pay both increased interest and a fine. However, because of such a minimal loan, there is no reason to spoil your credit history (loan data in any case are sent to the BCI).