At the moment, a loan to the unemployed online on the card is really possible to take only in MFIs that approve a loan without income certificates almost without refusal. Such financial institutions offer fast consumer loans without collateral to provide guarantees of return, as well as without guarantors from the applicant for borrowed funds.

On what conditions do they issue a loan to the unemployed online on a card in the MFI?
For the most part, a loan without certificates and checks is of a short-term nature and is provided (with minor differences depending on the lender) on approximately the following conditions:
- Loan amount. Regular borrowers can borrow quite large sums of money, but at the first time they apply, there is usually a credit limit that is approximately at the level of the minimum wage.
- Interest on the loan. Base rates are slightly higher than in banking structures, interest is accrued on a daily basis. Early repayment is allowed without penalty, the commission is charged only for the days of actual use of the loan.
- Loan terms. Quick loans are issued for the period chosen by the client within one calendar month, sometimes there is a minimum loan term. If necessary, the loan can be extended for a similar period.
In addition, some financial institutions initially issue a kind of long-term loan online to a card for 180 days or more. Such a loan to the unemployed always has a lower interest rate, and its subsequent repayment, as a rule, occurs in fixed amount payments at regular intervals.
Who today has access to a loan without income certificates on the Internet?
Quick loans can only be obtained by adult and capable citizens of the IFC country of registration, whose age is from 18 to 65 years, although sometimes some companies raise the age limit to 90 years. Thanks to such a flexible policy in relation to customers, a loan to the unemployed online on the card becomes available:
- non-working pensioners;
- students of any form of education;
- housewives and mothers on maternity leave;
- disabled persons of non-working group;
- persons on maintenance with children, etc.
In cases with a bad credit history, as well as with the presence of debt obligations to other creditors, the probability of a positive decision is somewhat lower, but in banks without guarantors, and pawnshops without collateral, it is generally zero.

What do I need to get a loan without official employment?
To easily issue an online loan to the unemployed on the card of any bank on the Internet, that is, without visiting the nearest branch of a financial organization, you will definitely need:
- permanent connection to the Internet;
- A computer or mobile gadget
- passport and identification number;
- personal phone and e-mail;
- active VISA or MasterCard card.
If the MFI approves a loan without a passport photo, it is enough to know your TIN and passport data from memory. The mobile number and e-mail will be used to enter the personal account, where you can manage the loan and monitor its status, as well as to make all contacts. For mandatory verification of the owner at the first appeal, it is desirable to have a small balance of funds on the card used.
How is an application for a loan for the unemployed online on a card in the MFI?
An easy loan without official employment is issued through the lender's mobile application, if it is available in the free services Google Play and App Store,or on the official website, where you need to perform a number of simple actions:
- Use the loan calculator to select the loan options and apply the promo code to get a discount. In this form, you can immediately see the interest for the loan and the amount to be repaid.
- Log in to your personal account through a phone number or e-mail address, coming up with a fairly strong password. Sometimes you can sign in with a social media account.
- Fill in the initial questionnaire. It is necessary to accurately indicate personal, passport, payment and social data, as well as to name the approximate amounts of fixed monthly expenses.
- Tie a bank card. Confirmation of ownership is carried out through a "zero" payment or by blocking (temporary) a small secret amount that must be specified.
- Sign the loan agreement. An electronic signature is a one-time alphanumeric code that is delivered by SMS to the submitted and confirmed mobile phone number.
After that, the money on the card to the unemployed is received virtually instantly and in full without any additional commissions, unless they are provided for by the terms of use of the card, which are established by the issuing bank.
How to increase the chances of approval of a loan without certificates for the unemployed?
Everything necessary to increase the likelihood of getting a positive decision on a loan without a certificate of income should be done before the direct filing of the application, because in case of refusal, almost every IFC will allow you to send another request after a certain period of time from several days to a month. Despite the fact that there is no guarantee of 100% approval of the loan, it is quite possible to significantly increase the chances if you immediately provide the lender:
- any second officially issued document with a photo, additionally confirming the identity (military ID, pension or driver's license, etc.);
- clear digital photos or scans of the passport and the so-called "selfie" with it in hand, even in cases where the IFC issues a loan without refusal without a photo of documents;
- at least two mobile phone numbers of their relatives or closest friends, who on the call of a representative of the company will be able to answer a couple of common questions.
As you can see, a consumer loan to the unemployed online on the card today to get without refusal and inspections is not a serious problem if you immediately contact the MFI. At the same time, you can always apply for a round-the-clock loan without income certificates at the same time to several financial institutions, thus further increasing the likelihood that one or several companies will approve the requested loan.
After that, it remains only to choose the most profitable offer, issue a quick loan and get money on the card available for spending on absolutely any own needs and goals. Good luck!