Today, many MFIs issue an urgent loan without a photo online before payday, which can be taken to the card of any bank within 10-15 minutes without refusal. This is a great opportunity to quickly solve sudden problems with a temporary shortage of money, getting a short-term consumer loan for any own needs, without explaining to anyone its true purpose.
At the same time, such loans on the Internet, similar to all the proposals currently existing in the market of lending to individuals, have both exclusively their advantages and some disadvantages.

Who today has access to a loan without a photo online in the IFC without refusal?
Simple loans without scans and photos are provided only with a passport to residents of the country of registration of a credit and financial institution who have reached the age of majority, who at the time of applying for a loan have:
- valid citizenship;
- permanent labor earnings;
- age from 18 to 65 years.
As a rule, all MFIs approve a loan without income certificates, you only need to indicate the level of their monthly expenses and income, including the main sources of the latter. Nevertheless, the existence of formal employment, which does not need to be documented, always acts as an extremely positive factor.
The permissible age of the borrower in some companies can be much more important, as a result of which you can take a loan without a passport photo up to 90 years.
Under what conditions is a loan issued online to a payday card?
The terms of short-term lending offered by different IFCs may differ slightly, but they are always simple, understandable and completely transparent, and never contain any "pitfalls":
- Maximum loan amount. At the first application, a loan without a photo online always has a limit on the amount approximately at the level of the average salary, with repeated this credit limit can increase several times.
- Interest on the loan. Accrued on a daily basis on the amount of debt fixed in the contract. New customers usually have access to the first loan at 0%, that is, a completely free loan without interest.
- Terms of borrowing. Usually offered literally a loan to payday within one month, which can subsequently be extended, sometimes there is a minimum (mandatory) period of use of the loan.
It is worth noting that today some financial institutions offer a full-fledged long-term loan for a year and longer terms, and at a low interest rate, which can be less by 30-50% than that of "short" loans.
However, such a loan without a selfie with a passport is most often not approved in order to exclude the possibility of fraud as much as possible, because a long-term loan online to the card usually involves the issuance of a fairly large amount of credit money.

What documents will be needed to apply for a loan on the Internet?
Fast consumer loans in MFIs favorably differ from bank analogues in that their registration requires a minimum "package" of personal documents, which are always available in the hands of almost every citizen and are not associated with confirmation of employment, namely:
- passport with a valid expiration date;
- tax identification number (TIN);
- any second personal document (optional).
Also, to apply for a loan without photo documents, you will definitely need a phone number and e-mail, which will be used for contacts and delivery of important notifications, as well as to enter your personal account on the website or through a mobile application where you can manage loans and track their status online.
For direct receipt of credit money, as the reviews of IFC employees and active borrowers say, it is best to use MasterCard or VISAcards, because any financial company supports work with them. In addition, they provide the highest speed and complete security of money transfers.
What are the advantages of a loan without a photo online on the card?
- Quick money on the card can be obtained even without having documents in hand, it is enough to know your passport data and TIN to indicate when filling out the borrower's questionnaire.
- Term payday loan is available around the clock, that is, at night, when pawnshops and banking institutions are simply closed, including all weekends and holidays.
- Consumer loan on the card online really take without leaving home, as well as regardless of your location, the main thing is to have stable access to the Internet.
What are the main disadvantages of a loan without a passport photo in an MFI?
- The maximum amount available for borrowing will always be definitely less than in the case of voluntary provision of clear digital photos or scans of documents.
- The speed of processing loan applications without a photo online is usually somewhat lower and can take up to half an hour, but this in most cases applies only to new customers.
- The probability of approving a loan requested by the IFC without refusal is usually 80-90%, but without a selfie with a passport, the chances will be less, especially with a bad credit history and debts.
As you can see, the borrowing conditions on which a loan is provided today without a photo online on the card are quite favorable in many respects, and the requirements for borrowers are simple, affordable and easily feasible.
At the same time, the presence of minor disadvantages, which are also available for such loans, is fully compensated by a large number of significant advantages.
Good luck!