A loan of 2000 rubles in an MFI can be taken by almost anyone. To do this, you only need a passport (its scan) and a FaceID photo. When making such small loans, microfinance companies rarely check the credit histories and financial solvency of customers.

Who can take a loan of 2000 rubles
To issue a microloan of 2000 rubles, you need to be an adult and capable citizen of the Russian Federation. Nationality can be any. When issuing money, MFIs do not analyze the size of wages and the number of dependents.
How to get money
To issue a loan of 2000 rubles is easiest in remote mode. The procedure for obtaining an online loan consists of the following stages:
- opening of the official website of the MFI;
- registration in your personal account;
- selection of the right loan;
- filling in the questionnaire;
- sending a completed questionnaire with a scan of the passport and a FaceID photo;
- receipt of the contract and its signing (before that, you should carefully read the content of the document, so as not to get into a knowingly disadvantageous position);
- registration of a loan and receipt of money.
In most cases, a microloans of 2 thousand rubles are issued in just a few minutes. The exact time of crediting money depends on when exactly the person left an application for a loan (day, evening, night).
Can they refuse to grant a loan of 2000 rubles
Usually, borrowers easily borrow 2 thousand rubles,but in rare cases, MFIs can refuse to issue money. As a rule, this is due to the fact that borrowers initially gave the microcredit company wrong and knowingly false information:
- sent scans of the passport and FaceID photo, previously processed in the photo editor (replacing the real details of the identity card and correcting the appearance of the creditee);
- used an old passport, which is invalid ("punching" of the passport on the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is made automatically);
- applied for a loan without having russian citizenship;
- hid information that they are undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, etc.
That is, reliable and honest borrowers have nothing to fear: they will have no problems transferring funds.
For how long the money is issued
Since the loan is small, the loan term usually does not exceed a week. But usually customers take 2000 rubles before payday and repay the debt literally in 1-2 days. The date of full repayment of the loan is always indicated in the contract. It should be guided when calculating your debt.
How to repay the debt
Return 2000 rubles in the MFI is easiest online. It is only necessary to agree in advance with the company the best way to transfer funds (to a bank account, to Kiwi, to Yandex Money, etc.). When transferring money, you should specify in the comments to the payment, for what they are made. After closing the loan agreement, you need to take a certificate that the loan is fully repaid.
What happens if you do not return the money
If a person does not repay the loan of 2000 rubles,penalties and fines will arise on the loan, and the debt itself will be transferred to collectors. The amount is small, and therefore the collection agency will use "light" methods of influencing the debtor. However, the borrower because of this debt will spoil the credit history, which will negatively affect his ability to take loans in the future.