A loan of 10,000 rubles in an MFI is the best alternative to a bank loan in the event that a person needs money before payday, but he does not have a credit card issued. A microloin is issued in a few minutes, regardless of the method of application (in person in the office or remotely through the website).

Loans in MFIs around the clock
Microcredit organizations work around the clock. However, in most cases, this applies only to the registration of remote loans. On the websites of MFIs you can get money both day and night, but the offices of companies are usually closed in the evening. This is due to both safety and low profitability.
At the same time, the client can at any time leave an application for a loan on the website of the microfinance organization. In the questionnaire you will need to specify:
- loan amount;
- the period for which a person wants to receive money;
- customer data (based on his passport);
- phone number by which the borrower can be contacted by representatives of the MFI.
Applications are processed quickly enough. Assessment of the solvency of the client and analysis of his credit history are carried out automatically, so the MFI quickly determines the reliability of the borrower and makes a decision on granting him a microloan.
What documents are needed to obtain a loan
To issue a borrowing for 10 thousand rubles,the client needs to provide only a valid passport (original, not a photocopy). In the case of remote registration, instead of the original, the borrower sends a scan of the identity card and his photo with his passport in his hands (FaceID). Since we are talking about a small loan, additional documents confirming the solvency of a person will not be required.
Where can borrowed funds be accrued
After approval of the application and signing of the loan agreement, customers can receive funds. If the borrower personally submitted an application in the office of a microfinance organization, then he is given money in cash at the cash desk of the company (by check). With remote crediting of money, the creditee can get a loan:
- to the personal card of any Russian bank;
- to a bank account;
- to WebMoni'swallet;
- to an e-wallet or Kiwicard;
- on YandexDengi;
- transfer through the Contact system (in this case there is an additional commission).
The method of transfer of money is specified in the loan agreement.
Who can get a loan of 10,000 rubles in an MFI
Almost any person who has Russian citizenship and is an adult can apply for a loan in a microcredit company. MFIs issue loans to pensioners, disabled people, single mothers, the unemployed, etc. All risks associated with non-repayment of debt are taken into account in the overpayment of interest.
How to repay the debt
A loan of 10,000 rubles should be returned on the day specified in the contract with the MFI. Any delays will negatively affect the credit history of an individual (plus, penalties and fines will be charged). If the client understands that it does not fit within the agreed period, he should contact the manager of the microcredit company and ask for a delay. The terms of this deferral or restructuring of the loan are negotiated individually, since they depend on the credit rating of the person.